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- Adults Karate Intro special$0
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"A very professional and excellently run dojo. From the first class Sensei’s to the large mat area, gym and outstanding facilities. Members are very friendly with a great community feel. My son & I highly recommend it for all ages."

"Sensei Marc Mathews has been my Sensei since 1990. As a current serving police officer I have had many opportunities to put Sensei Marcs practical self-defense techniques into real life situations. Sensei Marc's techniques really work. Sensei Marc has a great passion and ability to teach martial arts to anyone and his enthusiasm and energy within a class is infectious. Sensei Marc's ability as an instructor to recognize each student's strengths and weaknesses allows each student to reach their full potential. I have no reservations in recommending Sensei Marc from a beginner to an advanced black belt, Sensei Marc is the real deal!"